Posts by The Management (53 posts)

Wherever I passed out last night

I'll Take Two

So what is CH4? CH4 is a wearable device that you can put in your pocket or attach to your belt and it helps you to reduce your gases. The app comes with a dashboard that combines gas tracking with food habits. As you use the app longer, foods get…

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GG Allin - Lounged Out

The classic "Bite It, You Scum" in a cheery, radio friendly version. Reminds me of the old Devo EZ-Listening tracks. The whole story over at Dangerous Minds…

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Hole Punch Flip Books

Neat. More info and purchase options at Barcode Art…

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Food and Cooking Cinemagraphs

Cinemagraphs are animated GIFs with snooty attitudes. But these are neat. via Colossal…

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Sick Burn

Your face looks like a didgeridoo sounds iPad app plays music based on analysis of your facial expression. I imagine it would just play Joy Division if I looked at it. Or the sound of crickets... via The Cult of Mac…

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